Ann Stanley
Founder and CEO of Anicca Digital
A Message from the Author
The Integrate book was created by Ann Stanley in conjunction with the team at Anicca Digital. Anicca Digital is the digital marketing agency that Ann founded in 2007 and where she is currently CEO & Technical Director.
“During my 20-year career as a digital marketing consultant and business owner, I have always witnessed the benefits of integrating marketing across multiple channels and touchpoints. Although we are a digital agencies our best customers have been frrom speaking events, where the yahve seen our expertise upclose and personal! We have also been using variouos techniques to integrate our clients’ marketing, for example by trying to understand what happens to a lead once it is handed over from marketing to the sales team.
In 2022, I felt it was time to start talking about all our integrated strategies that are needed in the multi-channel and omni-channel projects, which our clients require today. This was also becoming more important as privacy legislation was changing the way we could collect and process cusotmer data. We had lanuched our new Digital Science service to help overcome many of these issues.
By January 2023, the first draft of this new book was ready and within 6 months it was finalised, designed and printed, ready to meet the world.
I hope you find it useful?”