
UPDATED: The impact of Generative AI & social search on Google’s role in driving ecommerce traffic (presented at IRX, Ecomerce Expo & Digital Commerce Expo)

The text below describes the content of the original webinar presented back in May. Since then, the slides have been updated, so click on the PDF button to get the latest version (October 24)!

Google is usually the main driver of traffic and sales for most ecommerce website, whether this is via organic search rankings, shopping/PMax ads or local search results.  Consequently, brands are highly dependent on Google traffic and any changes can have a big impact on traffic and sales.

Google’s dominance is being challenged by the rapid evolution of Generative AI and changes in users’ search behaviour. For example, users are substituting or migrating to ChatGPT, TikTok, Bing and new search/Chat hybrids like Perplexity. To counter this, Google is responding with their own tools like Gemini and Google’s AI Overviews (renamed last week from Search Generative Experience or SGE).

In this practical presentation, Ann Stanley, founder & CEO of Anicca Digital, will outline some of the threats and opportunities of these seismic shifts in search and how they may impact ecommerce marketing. She will explain:

  • What are these technologies and their possible impact on future traffic to your ecommerce website?
  • Data from some recent research on what is happening already, and how the use of these platforms has or could impact Google traffic to your site.

She will also provide ideas on what you can do to mitigate some of these potential risks.; for example,

  • How you can diversify your search strategy to incorporate the full range of channels used to search and discover products; so you can become less dependent on traditional organic traffic and SEO
  • How you can increase your chances of being found in ChatGPT and other Generative search results i.e. Search Generative optimisation (SGO).

Ann will leave you with a lot of insight and questions, but also some practical tips on how you can prepare for the big changes ahead.



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