
Google Adwords Search Funnels – an insight into how your keywords perform…

Ever wondered if a keyword in your account with no conversions has actually helped lead to one? Well Google have rolled out the Adwords Search Funnels Report so you can see just that!

The report allows you to see what keywords led to a searcher to first click in their journey towards a conversion.  This allows you to see which keywords assisted in a conversion, whether it was from a click or an impression.

Take the following two examples:

Search Funnel Example 1)

You have the keyword ‘holidays’ which is receiving lots of clicks but no conversions. By using the Adwords Search Funnels Report you can see if the keyword ‘holidays’ was the first clicked keyword before a conversion was made, or if it assisted in the conversion path. Although it may not have received a direct conversion you may find that it helped to kick start one! If you were to pause the keyword ‘holidays’ you may miss out on starting that all important conversion funnel. Alternatively you may find that the keyword ‘holidays’ has not been the first clicked keyword or assisted in a conversion, therefore it is probably best to pause it.

Search Funnel Example 2)

You have the keyword ‘luxury holidays in’ which is receiving a good number of conversions. By using the Adwords Search Funnels Report you can see what keyword paths were involved before the user converted with this keyword. This can help identify keywords which at first glance may not seem important, however are crucial to the conversion funnel.

The Adwords Search Funnels report allows you to break down the information using the following reports:

The best way to get your head around these reports is to have a play around. There is a lot of insight available to help you to get to grips with what your keywords are actually doing.

Next time you have a keyword, ad group or campaign with lots of clicks but no conversions remember to check how it performs by using the Search Funnels report. You don’t want to go and pause that all important keyword!

Posted by Gurpreet Bassi


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