
Anicca 4Charity- Rainbows Hospice Social Media Case Study

Read how we have helped Rainbows Children’s Hospice make the most of the social media opportunities for charities. If you are interested in our 4charity online marketing services then contact us today.


Rainbows is a children’s hospice based in the East Midlands. All the children who go to the Rainbows hospice are those with life limiting or threatening illnesses.

Rainbows recognised they were missing out on a  facet of corporate donations from the online sector- but which platform should they use, and how should they go about using it?
The decision to create a Rainbows page on Linked came as it was discovered that many of its staff were already using LinkedIn in at a personal level.
Creating an official Rainbows profile also made sense as many of its corporate supporters were also using Linked in. While the potential of using Linked in was recognised by the charity, little was known about how to effectively use it for charitable fundraising purposes.


Rainbows sought help from Anicca on how to guide them with their Linked in strategy. Training was provided to staff on the full ins and outs of using linked which helped build confidence in staff in using Linked in.
Rainbows adopted Linked in as a way to engage more deeply with existing supporters and as a way to reach out to new corporate supporters online. Corporate fundraising is a major source of the charities income so maintaining relationships and maximising Rainbows presence is crucial. The charity uses Linked in primarily as a PR and direct marketing tool to:

  • Inform supporters of fundraising news & events and ways to get involved with charity.
  • Reinforce positive news stories surrounding the hospice picked up by the media
  • Publically thank and acknowledge the contributions of companies
  • Solicit help and support from individuals and companies for specific needs for example- interior decorating tasks.
  • Reach out to new groups and key influencers

Rainbows widely promotes Linked in through all of its marketing and encourages people to sign up to follow Rainbows feed in addition to its individual fundraising, which helps tie all its communications together.
As much of the work that is done by fundraising is based around networking, Linked in lent itself well as a way to network and keep in touch with supporters online. These included individuals from large companies such as Next, local media, and other professionals.

If you are interested in our 4charity online marketing services then contact us today.



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