
Free Seminar in Cambridge on the Latest Digital Marketing Techniques and how to use the A10 Marketing Framework


Anicca Digital are taking their A10 Marketing Framework on the road!

Ann Stanley, Managing Director at Anicca Digital created the A10 Marketing Framework, to  help you develop your digital marketing strategy.  Ann will provide a step by step guide to using the A10 Framework. In addition, the senior consultants from the Anicca team, will present an update on the latest digital marketing techniques and how to get the best from your marketing campaign.


The FREE SEMINAR will be held at the Moller Centre in Cambridge on the 1st April. There is a packed agenda, followed by buffet lunch:

  • Creating your 2019 Digital Marketing Strategy using the Anicca’s A10 Marketing Framework by Ann Stanley
  • Using Google Data Studio with CRM sales data to understand the value of your leads – by Ed Truman
  • Whats new in paid social advertising and recent success stories – by Ann Stanley
  • Applications and live demo of chat-bots – Stefan Bercik

We also have a guest speaker from Sky who will present Sky AdSmart. This is the revolutionary approach to TV advertising which levels the playing field, so businesses of all shapes and sizes can benefit from the advertising impact of TV. With Sky AdSmart different ads can be shown to different households watching the same programme. This means brands and businesses can now advertise on national channels from as little as £3K, providing an ideal gateway into TV advertising that may have been perceived as cost prohibitive before.

The event will be held on Monday 1st April 2019  (08:30 – 13:30) at The Moller Centre, Churchill College, Storey’s Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS.

BOOK YOUR FREE PLACE AT EVENTBRITE or send an email to [email protected].



Get in touch.
Let’s talk.

0116 254 7224

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