
Social Search With The New ‘Ask on Google+’ Feature

How many times have you gone on to your Facebook or Twitter  to ask friends and followers to recommend a good restaurant or film to see that evening?

Well, Google is endorsing this type of social search with their introduction of ‘ask on Google+’ feature.

This update is slowly being rolled out and if you search on Google (.com and co.uk) whilst signed into your account you will see an eleventh result on the first page prompting you to ask your friends on Google+.

If you click on the hyperlinked ‘ask on Google+’ you will see this box appear. You can then choose to use the standard greeting or customise it and post to whichever circles you want.

This post will then appear at the top of your Google+ stream.

We knew that the search engine giant would be pushing their social network in 2012 but as they add more features which integrate with search we’re starting to ask why aren’t you on Google+ yet because it’s becoming a necessity for brand management, marketing and ecommerce.

If you need any help setting up or managing your company’s social presence call our SEO team today to find out about Anicca’s social packages.

By Jemma Crowston


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