If you are located within certain areas in the East Midlands and thinking of investing between £5,000 and £40,000 on a transformational ICT project (such as web development, digital marketing or IT equipment) then you may be able to apply for up to 40% grant funding for eligible projects and other ICT support.
Over £6 million in funding to support businesses in the East Midlands!
The Digital Growth Programme is a programme part funded by the European Regional Development Fund, running until 2019. The new Digital Growth Programme is a c£6.7m initiative managed by East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) in partnership with Leicester City and Leicestershire County Councils to aid the local economy.
About the programme
Over the next two years the programmes will together deliver 580 action-planning workshops, annual digital conferences, dedicated digital business advice, workforce development skills advice and a technology grant scheme worth £3.8m – to be 60% matched by participating SMEs.
The programmes, which are open to businesses, charities and other organisations, will engage with at least 3,662 enterprises through dedicated marketing and activities, resulting in 1,534 enterprises receiving intensive support, the creation of 170 new businesses and 1,278 SMEs introducing new digital processes.
Both programmes will be delivered through the Chamber’s dedicated and specialist eBusiness Club team.
The LLEP programme is part-funded by LLEP, East Midlands Chamber* Leicestershire County Council and the European Regional Development Fund.
The D2N2 programme is part-funded by D2N2, East Midlands Chamber*, Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, The Creative Quarter Company, Rushcliffe Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Derby City Council and the European Regional Development Fund.
Full details at http://www.emc-dnl.co.uk/news/9818/free-advice-to-encourage-digital-growth
What businesses are eligible for up to 40% funding or free workshops?
Like most EU funded projects, you have to be an SME (below 250 employees) and have a turnover of ≤ €50 million or a balance sheet ≤ €43 million at the time of full application. You also need to be in certain postcode areas, to be eligible for funding. These areas include:
· D2N2 Digital Growth Programme
• Derby and Derbyshire
• Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
· LLEP Digital Growth Programme
• Leicester and Leicestershire
Types of projects
Applicants must demonstrate that their project contributes and positively impacts on at least ONE of the following:
- The project will enable the business to save significant time and resources in the future allowing more time to focus on economic and job growth
- Without the project being implemented the business will be unable to take on further growth
- The project will enable the business to access new markets not currently accessible to them
- The project will enable the business to diversify in order to support economic and job growth
- The project will support significant investment in new IT systems
- The project will enable the business to offer new services that add significant value to the current offering
The following technologies and projects will be eligible for consideration:
- Website Development
- Hardware / Software
- Bespoke Software Applications
- Mobile App Development
- ICT System Integration
- Intranet/Extra Net
- Unified Communications
- Consultancy on these areas
The following won’t be:
- Training only projects eg Excel training
- Non-IT related
- Own staff time
- Rental equipment
- Design and printed materials
- Double funded projects
- Ad spend for online advertising like PPC
- Replacing old equipment with new (wear and tear)
The application process
The application process is in 2 stages, an initial expression of interest and a more detailed application. There is always a huge demand for this type of grant, therefore expression of interest needs to be submitted as soon as possible.
The Chamber is rolling-out a series of launch events for the programme, information regarding specific dates and locations can be found at http://www.ebusinessclub.biz/Digital-Growth-Programme-Launch-Events
The second stage is to identify your preferred supplier and provide 3 quotes.
Anicca will be happy to provide you with a quote and of course to actually carryout your project for you, if your application is successful.
What projects can Anicca help you with?
Anicca is one of the biggest digital marketing and Google Premier Partner agencies in the Midlands. We currently have a team of 27 in our office in Leicester, which allows us to offer a full service for nearly all businesses wanting to promote themselves (or sell) online. The sort of projects we can help you with include:
- Consultancy and advice on developing your digital marketing strategy for your B2B online business
- New websites design and development from a relatively simple mobile responsive WordPress site to a complex database driven site
- Converting existing websites into mobile responsive sites or developing an app
- Integration of websites with other systems, such as finance order processing, product feeds
- Analytics and conversion rate optimisation to include forensic insight and landing page or shopping cart testing
- Content marketing, including SEO, web content, blogging, social, PR, email, marketing automation software and integration
- Paid advertising strategy, set-up and management (3rd party ad spend is not eligible for grant funding)
- Use of software and tools; including, email marketing, CRM, content/marketing automation, search, social and Analytics tools
- Social media marketing and advertising, strategy audit and campaign implementation
Whatever your project, we can provide an initial audit and review of your existing website and marketing and provide you with some recommendations and costings.
Contact Details
In order to register your interest in grant funding, East Midlands Chamber must first assess your organisation’s ability to apply under national ERDF eligibility rules. Please complete the registration form so that it can assess your eligibility. Once eligibility processing has been carried out you will be notified accordingly.
If you’re interested in talking to Anicca about a project, then please phone 01162 983726 or alternatively send us an email on [email protected] .