Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned professional in the world of SEO or a complete beginner, it’s a good idea to keep abreast with the latest updates and insights. One of the best resources for anyone wanting to learn what’s happening in the exciting and ever-changing realm of SEO is of course Moz. In fact, they are so good, we at Anicca are always reading their latest news updates; which brings us onto our next topic– the top ranking factors for 2013.
Moz recently carried out a study to determine the top ranking factors for 2013, however this title is perhaps a little misleading and in fact, it’s a study which looks at the highest correlations. All of which I have tried to summarise below for you.
According to their study, experts in the field of SEO believe that the following are important ranking factors. Ranking factors, if you are a little unsure, are factors by which search engines ‘rate’ your website. In this case, these experts believe that the following are important when it comes to ranking at the top of Google’s search results;
<a href=””><img class=”size-full wp-image-3239″ alt=”This image was sourced from Moz;″ src=”” width=”738″ height=”348″ /></a> This image was sourced from Moz;
<li>Links (20.56%)</li>
<li>Links to Internal Pages of the Website (19.31%)</li>
<li>Keywords and quality content which is relevant (14.87%)</li>
<li>Branding (8.83%)</li>
<li>Social Signals (7.28%)</li>
When you look at the study that Moz performed, which looked at the highest correlation factors, they summarised that the following could impact your SERP’s;
<a href=””><img class=” wp-image-3241 ” alt=”SEO graph” src=”” width=”443″ height=”282″ /></a> Graph taken from Moz;
1.) Page Authority
2.) Social Signals
3.) Anchor Text
4.) and structured data usage
5.) Links
For a more detailed insight into their <a title=”Click here for more details on their study” href=”″>study click here</a> – otherwise, why not get in touch and we’ll perform a free SEO audit to check the health of your website. Call us today on 0116 2987912.