
Google’s Top 10 Most Searched Terms of 2012

Once again it’s that time of year when Google releases more of their highly anticipated technical metrics- their highest searches of 2012- highbrow stuff.

So here we go, we thought we’d keep you all in the loop if you haven’t caught it on the news already…

  1. Euro 2012
  2. Olympic tickets
  3. Whitney Houston
  4. Kate Middleton
  5. April Jones
  6. Netflix
  7. NatWest Online
  8. iPad 3
  9. Gary Barlow
  10. Gangnam style

Here at the Anicca headquarters we were a little surprised to see that Euro 2012 ranked higher than the Olympics, or ‘Olympic Tickets’ and strangest of all is that Whitney Houston (presumably posthumously) ranks above searches for the iPad 3 and the web sensation ‘Gangnam Style’. This now has around 1 billion views on YouTube, making it the most viewed video in history.

This gives us some perspective into how many searches there must have been for the other higher ranking 9 terms- that is some big data.

Google also released some of it’s more obscure searches, the most searched for ‘What is’ phrase came up (romantically and sadly) as ‘What is Love’ closely followed by ‘3G’ and iCloud’. As for ‘How To’ searches, ‘knit’, ‘crochet’, ‘draw’ and ‘kiss’ all made the top 10.


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